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Deepfake Derrida


Deepfake Derrida: A Study in Young Derrida Speaking 'I Love You'

Video file, microcomputer, silicone
~5"(W) x 5"(H) x 12"(D)


Deepfake of Jacques Derrida trained on interviews and lectures, 'Derrida on Love and Being', 'Derrida on Deconstruction', and 'Derrida on Archive Fever in South Africa (August 1998)'  sourced from YouTube. Deepfakes use AI and Machine Learning, specifically Deep Learning techniques to imagine what a young Derrida may have looked like and spoken 'I love you' based on the source interview footage and stock video footage of a young model in the likeness of Derrida.

Decolonial Refigurations


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Child Saint, 2022
3D Model



Child Saint Sambandar

Located: Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

Chola, Bronze (?)


Provenance: ?


Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence

Located: National Portrait Gallery, London

Origin: By Thomas Campbell, marble bust, 1849


Provenance: Donated by subject's grandson Sir Alexander Lawrence


The Empress of India,
3D printed PLA
~8”(W) x 18”(H) x 4”(D),

2020 (first print)


Siva Nataraja

Located: Guimet Museum, Paris

Origin: Tamil Nadu, India,
Chola, Bronze (?)


Provenance: ?

Queen Victoria

Located: National Portrait Gallery, London

Origin: Replica by Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey, Marble bust, 1841, based on a work of 1839



The Empress of India, 
3D Printed PLA, metal plumbing hardware, wood

8”(W) x 66”(H) x 4”(D)


2024, Install at The Martha and Robert Fogelman Galleries of Contemporary Art, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

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Lie with Me, 2022
3D Model

Work in Progress



Buddha_Campbell, 2021
3D Printed PLA, metal plumbing hardware, wood

7”(W) x 66”(H) x 5”(D)


Install at Stove Works, Chattanooga, TN


The Buddha

Located: The British Museum, London

Origin: Jamalgarhi, NWFP, Pakistan,
Gandhara, carved stone,
2nd C - 3rd C


Provenance: Acquired from Eustace Smith, 1895


Colin Campbell Clyde, 1st Baron (1792-1863)

Located: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK

Origin: Slip cast porcelain, Late 19th Century

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Parvati_Havelock, 2021
3D printed PLA
~8”(W) x 12”(H) x 5”(D)


Standing Parvati

Located: The Met, NYC

Origin: Tamil Nadu, India,
Chola, Copper alloy.
ca. first quarter of the 10th century

Provenance: [ Unknown dealer, Pondicherry, India, by 1935; sold to Kevorkian]; [ Carneg Kevorkian , Paris, from 1935; sold to Burnett by 1956]; Cora Timken Burnett , Alpine, NJ (by d. 1956; bequeathed to MMA)


Sir Henry Havelock

Located: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK

Origin: Slip cast porcelain, Late 19th Century



MDIYD (timelapse), 2021
Projected text animation,

Timelapse: Real time- 20 minutes. Video time- 30 seconds

Location: Stove Works, Chattanooga, TN

MDIYD (real time)



Predecessor Rainfall Event, 2021
LCD screen, cables, reflector, text animation, metal chain & hardware
20”(W) x 135”(H) x 3”(D)


Pre/Post/Eros 2.0

Pre/Post/Eros 2.0 is a continuation of Pre/Post/Eros and includes the same concerns present in my older works. This series specifically focuses on a deliberate conflation of ‘the spectator’ with ‘the consumer’ within institutional spaces while homing in on the connection between scopophilia (the love of looking) and consumption. Some of the works in Pre/Post/Eros 2.0 were thought of before the COVID-19 pandemic, yet some of them can become even more appropriate to our economic reality when contextualized in the post-COVID-19 era.

© 2010-Present | Deepanjan Mukhopadhyay Studio

Written permission necessary to use any content from this website. deepanjan91(at)gmail(dot)com

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